Polygain supports horse to gain condition


  • A horse in the NSW Hunter Valley area struggled to maintain a healthy weight. The owner has tried a variety of diet changes.

  • After one day on Polygain, the Poo firmed up, and the horse gained significant condition over a month-long period.

Trial Design

Customers of a stockfeed store were given sample products and asked to document the changes in their horses.


Testimonial Text:

I’m the customer that has been trialling Equigain from Scibberas Produce in Freeman’s reach. I’ve been using Equigain on a warmblood mare that I took in who was very neglected. I spend 6 months trying to improve her condition. She picked up somewhat, but wouldn’t gain weight and I couldn’t get her poop to firm up. I asked about probiotics at my local produce and I was given your product to trial. My mare has had massive improvements in only 4 weeks. I was most impressed that I had a firm poo the day after her first dose. It was the first glimmer of hope I’d had in a long time.

Testimonial Video

Day 1

Day 14

Day 28

These summaries are a brief outline of the research activities we have undertaken. For further information or to learn more about our products please get in contact.


Chickens perform better in heat stress conditions when fed Polygain


Better meat quality and shelf life in broiler chickens fed Polygain