Larger prawns and improved efficiency in an Australian research trial


  • A Black Tiger prawn trial was conducted at James Cook University in Australia.

  • The trial demonstrated additional weight gain in a dose-dependant manner with improvements in feed conversion and less feed waste.

  • Polygain also improved the survival rate in shrimp for the final five-week period.

  • Results published in Applied Science


The black tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon) is an important premium shrimp variety. According to UN FAO data in 2019 the production was over 775,000 tonnes.

Trial Design

A 10-week tank trial was conducted at James Cook University in Queensland. Measurements were taken each day covering: feed, feed wasted and mortality. Prawn weight was recorded at the start, middle (5 weeks) and end of the trial.


Figure 1: Polygain has a positive effect on growth in juvenile black tiger prawns.

Figure 2: Feed conversion ratio

Figure 3: Feed wastage analysis over the first five weeks

Figure 4: The positive correlation between inclusion rate and survival from Day 35 to Day 70 may indicate a positive effect of Polygain on prawn health.

These results are an excerpt from a published journal article:

Penglase, S.; Ackery, T.; Kitchen, B.; Flavel, M.; Condon, K. The Effects of a Natural Polyphenol Extract from Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) on the Growth, Survival, and Feed Conversion Efficiency of Juvenile Black Tiger Shrimp (Penaeus monodon). Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 8090.

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