Methane Reduction Demonstrated in Ruminal Batch Culture Trial


  • Methane reduction potential verified in standard in vitro laboratory technique

  • The proportion of methane gas reduced for both feedlot and Rhode grass diets


Batch culture incubations are a well-established method for screening compounds for their ability to reduce methane and the impact on the production of volatile fatty acids.

Trial Design

This trial followed the standard in vitro method for screening feed supplements for methane reduction and the impact on volatile fatty acids. Rumen fluid was collected and added to jars containing either feedlot diet or Rhode grass and Polygain. Testing was completed using three replicates of each inclusion rate and feed combination. After the experiment, the amount of feed digested, gas volumes and volatile fatty acids were measured.


Polygain reduced methane as a percentage of the total gas volume for both diets.

These summaries are a brief outline of the research activities we have undertaken. For further information or to learn more about our products please get in contact.


Potential to support shrimp against EHP parasite


On-farm interventions with Polygain assists dairy cows to recover from milk production drops