Potential to support shrimp against EHP parasite


  • Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP) is a parasite that causes significant economic loss to the shrimp industry

    In an in vitro trial, Polygain inhibited the EHP spores


Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei (EHP) is a disease-causing microsporidian parasite in aquatic animals such as prawns and shrimp. EHP causes mortality and slow growth, usually not growing beyond 12g (less than half the average harvest weight). This stagnated growth can make the harvest unviable. There is no treatment for EHP on the market.

EHP infects only the tubule epithelial cells of the hepatopancreas of prawns. Infection occurs by the extrusion or growth of the microsporidia's polar tubule, allowing it to attach to the hepatopancreas of prawns.

Trial Design

Using a previously published technique, researchers from Mahidol University in Thailand assessed the EHP extrusion activity of spores. The spore extrusion activity was measured after 5min, 10min, 30min and 60min. Poygain was tested at four doses: 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.4% and 0.6%. Cells were sourced from two regions of Thailand: Chanthaburi (high salinity) and Chachoengsao province (low salinity).


Polygain reduced the % extrusion activity in a dose-response manner for both low and high salinity.

Representative views of extruded and non-extruded spores in shrimp sourced from high salinity conditions. (A) Extrusion of spores in 1X PBS from the control group, (B) Polar tube extrusion inhibition as result from incubation with 0.6% Polygain™ for 60 min. Scale bar, 20 µm

Representative views of extruded and non-extruded spores in shrimp sourced from low salinity conditions. (A) Extrusion of spores in 1X PBS from the control group, (B) Polar tube extrusion inhibition as result from incubation with 0.6% Polygain™ for 60 min. Scale bar, 20 µm

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